Weather link on listing

Level 1
Woodstock, NY

Weather link on listing

Is there any way to add a weather link to my listing? If yes, where do I go to do this?



Christy's 1914

Woodstock, NY

4 Replies 4

I think adding weather to the Airbnb traveler update would be awesome. No advertising just someinformation on the weather conditions and possibly road conditions during a traveler's stay. I get this question all the time from my guests, partically since my home is in the mountains.

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Kerry23 Interesting idea! I know golf course websites have current weather conditions, but I'm not sure how useful it would be unless the guest was planning on booking within a day or two.  Most guests book a couple of weeks or more before the start of the reservation.  They might as well just look up the weather on the internet. 

I'm thinking more along the lines of an automatic weather update along with a hospility welcome message before the guest travels. 

@Mark-and-Lelsie0 You should post your suggestion in Host Voice: