What Hosts are saying

    Hello! I own a house that is listed on airbnb with my sister. We both seperate GE taxes. We are in different tax brackets. How do I set this up on airbnb so we are properly taxed? Thank you. Latest reply by Clare0
    Hola a todo! Soy nueva en Airbnb.Ya e recibido varios huéspedes. Y me han enviado los correos de pago. El pago de mi primer huésped debia de llegar antes de 27 de Abril. Hay alguna forma de contactar con la agencia? Estoy un poco preocupada por el retraso... Latest reply by Clare0
    A guest who wanted to return a second time sent me a message last week but airbnb did not send me a notification. i have just found his request under his previous reservation. Has this something to do with the fact that there was already a line of communi... Latest reply by Robin4
    Hi,I have many listings in my account. But I've added a new listing it hasn't been pusblished. I read at the community that I must change some photos. I did it. But still Doesn't seeming. What can I do? The all photos are same as other listings. Latest reply by Jack16
    Hello,my name is Tea. I am owner of my place what I am listing. I had big problem today. As You can see I had one reservation coming today. And what happen. I was waiting *** and she wrote she is coming alone. When I came there were three persons. That me... Latest reply by Donna15
    Saluti a tutti, vorrei aiutare una mia amica cittadina residente in Cuba ad affittare la sua casa all'Havana. Per le note restrizioni di quel paese lei non ha ne accesso a internet ne un appoggio bancario o similare. Come posso fare per aiutarla ad increm... Latest reply by Clare0