Savings Account

Savings Account

Let's allow for a percent of all income to be witheld towards a savings account. 


The goals can be set, like a certain listing upgrade,  life enhancement, etc. 


There is a mechanism to allow for this in a roundabout way having to do with percent and which account it pays out to but would be great to allow more mechanisms within the airbnb portal


Level 10

You mean for Airbnb to act as an enforced bank? I think I would rather do my own savings... Is that what you meant?

Level 9

Hi again Sandra! I'm intricately involved with a lot of hosts. A lot. What I've seen is most hosts are doing Airbnb to help pay the bills and not a single one I know - including the big dogs - doesnt have a goal set in mind. Right now Ive been advising various hosts to utilize the payout methods to sort percentages to payout into a savings account. It's shaky. 


Not every recommendation is a home run but people can build off ideas to make something better. I visualize an Airbnb much larger than even what we see today. A savings is something closer the lines of the Airbnb currency recommendation I posted earlier.


 Perhaps it could be simmered down to a set goal to improve a property like "withhold x amount until z to purchase new bathroom upgrade". Airbnb has a very big pr focus on how hosts are improving their lives using the site. Any mechanism to help people do that Im all for. The legalities every recommendation is one piece of the puzzle.  What I do know for certain is how hosts I know use the site and what they are using it for. Although it's not the focus; the reality is money is a huge compontent of this site. More angles and attention to it I'd welcome to see. 






Former Community Manager
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