Airbnb Research Survey


Airbnb Research Survey

Hi Airbnb Hosts 


I am a student from Stellenbosch University. I am busy completing my Honours in Geography and Environmental Studies. I am currently engaged in research on the emergence, spatial distribution, funtioning and ownership of Airbnb in Cape Town. For me to reach my objectives I require that hosts in Cape Town complete a short online questionnaire. I would really appreciate it if you could comment with your name and email address and I will send you a personal email with the link to my survey. Participants in the survey get entred into a lucky draw and you stand a chance to win a @ HOME goft card to the value of R1000! I would really appreciate your support as collecting this type of data is a difficult task. No personal information will be published or given out to anyone and info will be used for academic purposes only. 


Kind Regards 

Inge Erasmus 

Former Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
Level 2

Dear Inge,

Hi, this is Phil. a PhD candidate and studying Airbnb.

Have you had a chance to collect sufficient amount of questionairre from airbnb community post? If not what alternative methods have you tried?


Your comments highly appreciated.

