unable to communicate with guest - phone packed in??? I am unable to login to my listing

unable to communicate with guest - phone packed in??? I am unable to login to my listing

Hi I am unable to communicate with guests who are to arrive today - my phone packed in and my gmail account is also not available to me.  I have no  access the code number of the booking.

I am hoping the guests will arrive as I did communicate with them on Thurs about their arrival. 

Can anybody offer any advice?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

How are you posting this, @Marian174 ? Can you get to the website (airbnb.com rather than the app) and log on? You don't have to say why your gmail account is not available to you, but it does sound odd. Prioritize re-gaining access to that.

Communication is extremely important, as you know, especially from the host side, and especially if your guest is asking you a question right now! It will be most unsettling to them if they cannot reach you.


Thankfully my guests have arrived.