New owner, remove old reviews and pictures from previous owners?

Level 1
Aurora, CO

New owner, remove old reviews and pictures from previous owners?

I bought a vacation rental in February 2019 and I want to manage myself, however it's been on AirBnb before managed by a management company (currently is as well). It has reviews and pictures which are outdated. A major renovation is underway, and when it's done, I'll take over management. So what would be the procedure to more or less "start over" with this listing? None of the reviews are bad, but they are very old and don't really apply any longer. 




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You need start from scratch, as you are the new owner. Create a new listing under your account and start hosting. The old listing should be deactivated by the previous management or owner under their account:


Best regards,


Level 1
Aurora, CO
