How many years or months do you see a break-even point before experiencing a positive financial pict

Level 8
Abbeville, SC

How many years or months do you see a break-even point before experiencing a positive financial pict

How many years or months do you see a break-even point before experiencing a positive financial picture.


I realize that each of us is different in terms of what we initially spend on our properties, so basically I'm just asking for a goal to hopefully shoot for.  


We're new, and are hosting our 4th group of guests tomorrow.  Lots of updates and basic structural expenses were involved that I am clearly certain won't be recovered for another year or two (or three).


Please advise me on what you've experienced.


Thanks so much for your time and expertise,

Roz in South Carolina, USA

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rosalind41  Updates and structural work have to do with increasing the value of your property, i.e. your equity. And of course, the nicer it is, hopefully the more good bookings and reviews you'll get. But I don't think you can look to Airbnb rentals as a way to recoup your investment.