problems giving feedback to airbnb

Level 1
Cardiff, United Kingdom

problems giving feedback to airbnb

I have a BIG problem contacting airbnb to tell them about a guest (who has a lovely verified profile) who is booking airbnb rooms as a professional service for other people who then turn up with no profile or verification? It feels dangerous to let these people into our home and it's embarrassing to deal with on the spot. There seems no way that the airbnb company allows quick (or even slow) feedback from hosts about this sort of thing as it has closed off most ways to contact them. Am I missing something very obvious on the web site?



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello Roy


You are absoutely right. They shouldn't be offering this as a 'service'.


When you receive a confimed booking, it provides you with a phone number for BnB, so I would use this to flag what is happening with BnB. You can also use their social media and contact them through their resolution centre - again it gives you links to this on the confirmation of your guest's booking.


You can also 'red flag' this guest and tell BnB that they have set up a business to book BnB rooms on behalf of other guests.


This is a real problem as you have no idea who the guests are and you won't be covered under their guarantee.

BnB should ban the person running a business in this way.


Of course if this is a business and there is a PA and other person booking on behalf of their staff, this would be fine.

Level 2
Goose Creek, SC

My very first guests were from a 3rd party booking .... Was almost my last ... But after calling Airbnb I was reassured that if it happened again do not let them in and call that they would rehome the unexpected guests ... It turned out they were lovely guests but nonthless this was a huge concern ... I was blessed hope this is resolved for our safety as hosts
Level 2
Richmond, CA

I feel Airbnb should have a way to receive customer feedback re Airbnb itself.  I'm getting numerous requests from people to book on behalf of someone else, so the person contacting me has a profile (obviously), but the person who'd be staying has no profile.    However, even the person contacting me has no info filled out in their own profile or reviews about them since they don't even know they're violating Airbnb policy.  I feel this info should be more prominent on the Airbnb site.  

I've also told people they should fill out a profile when they have no reviews.  Why would I rent to a complete stranger, knowing nothing about them & no one to vouch for them?  But again, this is something Airbnb should REQUIRE.  One should not be able to ask another person to rent to them through a 3rd party - where you can't even talk on the phone before you say yes - without having to fill out a profile with a certain number of words.  It would be great if Airbnb required this.