my listing does not appear in the search area that is relevant to me

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

my listing does not appear in the search area that is relevant to me

I am having difficoulty finding my listing using the search parameters that are relevant for my area.

We have a house near Lucca, Italy.   The area of lucca is the likely search area of most people travelling there.  however my listing only appear when I search for the specific village of my house.  It does not seem to appear on a more generic search of Lucca.

Other houses that I know in the area appear in those searches.  They also appear in other searches of areas that are further than the one they are in...  How does one make sure that the property appears under the search that is relevant to the area rahter than the specific address?




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Austin, TX

@Piero3 --  Your listing came up for me. Use more filters, such as most guests do. (Price range, Entire House, # of bedrooms, Instant Booking, etc.) Otherwise, your listing is lost in hundreds of others.

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Thank you