Superhost status lost if i deactivate my listings for some time?

Level 2
Thessaloniki, Greece

Superhost status lost if i deactivate my listings for some time?

Hello guys i just recieved the Super host status , however i cannot host  for the next 8 months for personal reasons. I was wondering what my options are now: Should i deactivate my listings and activate them again before i want to work again on airbnb , or should i just leave my listings up and have the dates of 8 months later available? I was wondering if this is going to affect the airbnb algorithm , as the fact that the next 8 months will be blocked will lead to very little views per day of my listings. And is this going to make me lose the Super host badge ? Thanks in advance! 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Traverse City, MI

The first part of your question is about how to delist your property. You'll drop in search rankings either way, but I would snooze my listing rather than keeping it open with 8 months of dates blocked off. This means you don't appear in search results but also means you won't get inquiry questions from people you'd have to decline because they actually want to stay during your blocked dates. You can just turn in your hosting cap for 8 months.


The second part is about your SuperHost status. The metric that will be affected by not hosting is your trip count. At each SH review, Airbnb pulls 12 months of data and they require you have at least 10 stays during that 12 month period. So long as the stays you have before and after your hosting break keep you above that 10-stay threshold you'll likely keep your SH status.

Thanks for you reply! Yes i was also thinking of snoozing my listings for 8 months and open them again a couple of months before i want to host again. Is snoozing all my listings going to take SH status away? i currently have 18 stays . If airbnb takes into account the previous 12 months then i guess ill be fine on June 2019. However if Airbnb looks the yearly stays ( e.g year 2019 must have 10 stays at least.) then i guess ill be losing the SH status on the second quarter of 2019 ( April) . 

And what do you mean by turning in my hosting cap for 8 months? Thanks!

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom


Just block your dates off for the next 8 months until you are ready to host again.

You doesn’t need to deactivate your listing or snooze it.



So its the same for the algorithm impact wether i snooze , deactivate or just block the dates for the next 8 months ? Thanks

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Ελενη4  You are far better off Snoozing the listing as AirBnB has been known to unblock random dates you have blocked. You could end up with bookings that would have to be canceled.