Super host status

Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Super host status

Im frustrated with my Super host status - I had it for  6 months then lost it because I had one quest who was nothing but a problem - % seems very slow in changing - I have had 8 five star ratings in a row and still sitting at 79% so will miss out again and I score 100% in communicatin 97% in cleaniness - these are the things that I can control - not sure what I can be doing better - dosnt seem to make a difference to the bookings but feels undeserved as we try very hard to be great host and have had nothing but great reviews - except one guest!!!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Michelle58 I know many hosts who are not Super Hosts who have lots of bookings and are laughing all the way to the bank.  I wouldn't take the Super Host status too seriously.  I recently talked with a guest to find out how she decided to book my place as opposed to any other.  I really expected her to say "Because you are a Super Host"!  Nope.  She didn't even notice the SH badge.  It was very instructive to me to hear the things that were important to her: 


1. Pictures:  She wanted to see what the beds looked like, then the overall accomodation.  

2. Reviews:  She picked up on how many previous guests said they would recommend my place as well as other comments.

3. Price:  She thought it was a good price for the accomodation. 


Having been a Super Host for about 9 months I find that, while it's a nice pat on the back from Airbnb, the only practical benefit is in the search placement and even then I've seen Super Hosts at the end of a search list. 


Just keep doing the best you can and enjoy the ride!



Level 10
Palma, Spain

There is really nothing wrong with being a Superhost. 

Sadly, it does not do much for you either. 


Your bookings and your income are really not affected by your Superhost status. Putting much work and effort into a title that does not bring tangible benefits may not be worth your time. 





Ich habe ein ähnliches Problem. Ich habe alle Vorgaben erfüllt für den Super-Host-Status. Doch 2 Monate vor der Evaluation hatte ich plötzlich keine 80% der 5 Sterne-Bewertung mehr. Die letzten Gäste waren überaus zufrieden mit der Unterkunft und ihrem Aufenthalt (siehe Bewertungen) und auch der letzte hat mir sogar gesagt, er habe 5 Sterne gegeben, aber der die Prozentzahl bleib nun kurz vor Evaluation komischerweise immer bei 77%.... ich finde das sehr seltsam. Weiss da jemand mehr?


