Setting a custom price - Airbnb fee calculator and power surcharges

Level 1
Christchurch, New Zealand

Setting a custom price - Airbnb fee calculator and power surcharges

I often get asked by guests if I will be happy to accept "X" dollars for their stay but because Airbnb add their own fee to a guest as well as us (which varies) Im forced to do alot of guess work and this ultimately more often than not works in the favour of the guest because im significantly undercharging myself because to ensure the max price theyre charged falls at or bellow there budget.


It will be realy usefull to have the ability either under the custom offer section or a simple calculater elsewhere on the site/app where we as hosts can imput a guests budget and get a breakdown of what the fees are for both of us and what our overall payout will be. 


Another great feature is having a weekly power surcharge or deposit which we can add (Usually during winter months and stays longer than a week) where we can charge or hold a deposit for high power usage rather than absorb the cost accross the year, or alternativly having the option to limit discounts of weekly or monthly and change cleaning fees to seasonal periods only. 

1 Reply 1

Totally agree with this!