Passing property to co-host

Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Passing property to co-host


I've passed on the day-to-day running of my property to a co-host, but still get notification emails for every new enquiry, message etc. etc.


All the notification settings are "off", but I can't see any way to stop these messages.

Is there any way that I can remove myself from the property, and give full admin control to my co-host?

Best wishes,


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Honolulu, HI

No there is no way to keep your reviews and transfer the property to someone else. An ad-hoc way would be to leave it as-is and just set up a rule in your email client to delete the messages or forward them to your co-host. Sooner or later your co-host is going to have to create the listing on his/her account and start from scratch. source: