My listing isn't showing up in search

Level 1
New York, NY

My listing isn't showing up in search

I have double check my calendar settings, i have asked friend to specifically search for my apartment to see if they can find it and it is still not showing up. 


Please help 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Your listing is not going to show up in anything other than a very specific date search as you have zero availability except for 1 week or so in the next 6 months. It would be a waste of time for guests to have properties with little or no availability show up in general searches. Were you aware your calendar is blocked out?


Highly recommend that you call Airbnb. I had similar issue early January when my new listing would not show up in the search results. It took a week for Airbnb to solve the problem after I called them.