I cancelled for my injured guests and now dates are blocked

Level 1
Bozeman, MT

I cancelled for my injured guests and now dates are blocked

My guest called and asked me what to do.  She was in an accident and broke a  few ribs and punctured a lung.  I told her I would cancel for her since she is elderly and new to airbnb.  I was not penalized but whatever I did it seems airbnb treated this cancellation as my cancellation.  I tried to open the dates to no avail.  I did not lose any money since I have never cancelled a reservation or had anyone else cancel a reservation but I am perplexed why this should be a problem if someone gets hurt.  Please advise.



*title updated

1 Best Answer
Level 7
London, United Kingdom

I believe Airbnb has an extenuating circumstances cancellation policy, which you need to provide evidence for. You can contact them directly, provide the evidence (perhaps the messages from your guest) and then this will be removed from your record. You can just Google - "Airbnb's Extenuating Circumstances Policy" and it will take straight to the page.




What is
What is Airbnb's Extenuating Circumstances Policy?

Airbnb empowers hosts to set and manage their cancellation policies. If a host or guest needs to cancel a reservation, it’s their responsibility to cancel as soon as possible. At times, certain circumstances outside of a host or guest’s control can impact their ability to meet the terms of a reservation.

In rare instances, if Airbnb determines that a Guest’s reason for cancellation falls within Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy, Airbnb may override the Host's cancellation policy (ex: flexible, moderate, strict) and make refund decisions. If Airbnb determines that a Host’s reason for cancellation falls within Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances policy, Airbnb may waive the host cancellation penalties outlined in Airbnb’s Terms of Service and Airbnb’s Payments Terms of Service.

What might be covered?

Valid extenuating circumstances include:

  • Unexpected death or serious illness of a host, guest or immediate family member
  • Serious injury that directly restricts a guest’s ability to travel or a host’s ability to host
  • Significant natural disasters or severe weather incidents impacting the location of destination or location of departure
  • Urgent travel restrictions or severe security advisories issued after the time of booking, by an appropriate national or international authority (such as a government office or department)
  • Endemic disease declared by a credible national or international authority (such as the US Centre for Disease Control or the World Health Organization)
  • Severe property damage or unforeseen maintenance issues that directly impact the ability to host safely
  • Government-mandated obligations issued after the time of booking (ex: jury duty)
If you need to make a claim

Claims can only be considered after a reservation has been cancelled. Once you have informed your host or guest and cancelled a reservation, if you feel that your reason for cancellation is covered by Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy, contact Airbnb for consideration. We generally require claims to be submitted no later than 14 days from the original check-in date and we may require valid supporting documentation.

View Best Answer in original post

4 Replies 4
Level 7
London, United Kingdom

I believe Airbnb has an extenuating circumstances cancellation policy, which you need to provide evidence for. You can contact them directly, provide the evidence (perhaps the messages from your guest) and then this will be removed from your record. You can just Google - "Airbnb's Extenuating Circumstances Policy" and it will take straight to the page.




What is
What is Airbnb's Extenuating Circumstances Policy?

Airbnb empowers hosts to set and manage their cancellation policies. If a host or guest needs to cancel a reservation, it’s their responsibility to cancel as soon as possible. At times, certain circumstances outside of a host or guest’s control can impact their ability to meet the terms of a reservation.

In rare instances, if Airbnb determines that a Guest’s reason for cancellation falls within Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy, Airbnb may override the Host's cancellation policy (ex: flexible, moderate, strict) and make refund decisions. If Airbnb determines that a Host’s reason for cancellation falls within Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances policy, Airbnb may waive the host cancellation penalties outlined in Airbnb’s Terms of Service and Airbnb’s Payments Terms of Service.

What might be covered?

Valid extenuating circumstances include:

  • Unexpected death or serious illness of a host, guest or immediate family member
  • Serious injury that directly restricts a guest’s ability to travel or a host’s ability to host
  • Significant natural disasters or severe weather incidents impacting the location of destination or location of departure
  • Urgent travel restrictions or severe security advisories issued after the time of booking, by an appropriate national or international authority (such as a government office or department)
  • Endemic disease declared by a credible national or international authority (such as the US Centre for Disease Control or the World Health Organization)
  • Severe property damage or unforeseen maintenance issues that directly impact the ability to host safely
  • Government-mandated obligations issued after the time of booking (ex: jury duty)
If you need to make a claim

Claims can only be considered after a reservation has been cancelled. Once you have informed your host or guest and cancelled a reservation, if you feel that your reason for cancellation is covered by Airbnb’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy, contact Airbnb for consideration. We generally require claims to be submitted no later than 14 days from the original check-in date and we may require valid supporting documentation.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Kim229,


I'm sorry to hear about your guest's accident. It was kind of you to cancel but unfortunately there are automatic penalties for cancelling as a host. @Aogán0 has given you a great response with information about the Extenuating Circumstances policy. If you contact Airbnb and explain the situation they should be able to help you.


Just to let you know, I have moved your post here to a new thread so that it doesn't get lost in another discussion and it is easier to find. I have also given it a title, please let me know if you want to change it!


In case you're not sure how to start a new thread - this CC Tutorial gives a step by step guide to starting a conversation in the Community Centre.



Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Are you able to make the dates free again? I cancelled a booking as we were having matenance on our apartment building but now those dates have changed.

Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Can you make the dates available again if circumstances change?