Host option

Level 2
Antalya, TR

Host option

Hi, my name is Özgür and i have an idea about adding a sistem in Airbnb.


I let that all my guest can make automaticly a reservation on my place, but what about people who never had values or danger people , maybe you want think about the reservation who just started airbnb, or already started and don't use the property good enough. But if you close the auto reservation than you get very less reservations.


So it would be good if i could have an option that guests 1-2 values less(the value should choose the Host) that i approval the reservation and who have more values they could automaticly make a reservation.


What do you think about it?

Would that be discrimination?


Sorry for my bad English 🙂

Özgür [Surname hidden]

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Özgür1 There is already an option like that on Instant book, you can add requirements like goverment ID or positive reviews.

Thank you Ana 🙂

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Hello there in beautiful Turkey.


That is why you ONLY accept verified guests.


To be verified as either a guest or a host you must supply to air bnb, a copy of government ID such as a passport and driving licence.


To be verified you also must supply a confirmed email address that has to be given to air bnb, as well as a contact number.


Despite that, you will still get the odd nut job, but if your house rules  are very clear and strict younreduce the likelihood.



Thank you Victoria 🙂