Guests Left Apartment Disgusting

Level 1
Columbia, MO

Guests Left Apartment Disgusting

Hi guys, I'm a newer host and have never had any issues with my apartment being left clean. However, I just had three guests leave and the place is disgusting. Projectile vomit all over the bathroom including the shower curtain, nasty floors, just really bad condition.  I don't have a cleaning fee on my listing but I was wondering if I could request extra money for the cleaning after the fact if I send them a message explaining why?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi @Matthew165 You could definitely try. Take photos of everything, making sure that there is a date stamp on the photos (or a way of verifying the date they were taken). Make sure you get the claim submitted in to Airbnb before new guests check in. If you use a cleaning service, submit the receipt for the cleaning bill, and if you do the cleaning yourself, estimate the amount of additional cleaning that was required & claim that amount (it really is best to have receipts though). Then go to the Resolution Centre (on the Reservation for those guests click "Report a Problem). The guests can decline to pay but you can then escalate it & get Airbnb to decide - they may or may not side with you. Hope they do in this case, they should. Best of luck - Karen