Extenuating Circumstances Policy

Level 2
Oaxaca, Mexico

Extenuating Circumstances Policy



I had to cancel 3 reservations (I have instant reservation activated) due to one of extenuating circumstances Airbnb talk about and I have the papers I need to present (family serious illnes: my mother diagnosed with cancer, so we needed to move to a bigger place really fast and no able to subrent anymore) and I am not sure how to proceed. Airbnb is charging me 900 MX pesos for each reservation. Thank you so much!

4 Replies 4
Level 2



sorry to hear that .Did you try to contact airbnb directly via phone or mail explaining your situation ??



I've also had to cancel: flood in the flat.  I can't find a telephone number not the e-add for Airbnb - that would be very useful if anyone knows it?


I hated cancelling what looked like lovely guests - but I could hardly have them paddling around for 3 nights!

If you dig through the help process, eventually like 5 screens in there is an option to call for help now.
Level 2
Washington, DC

So sorry to hear about your mom. Depending on how Airbnb defines "immediate family" and especially if this has happened in the past 14 days, you should be not be penalized: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/1320/extenuating-circumstances-policy

I'd recommend contacting Airbnb.