Business ready listings

Level 5
Johannesburg, South Africa

Business ready listings

I am very unhappy about the self check in stipulation for business ready listings.

I have two listings that are more than wonderful for business travelers and they are both on a large property with two dogs.  There is no way that a guest can get in without my assistance. Main gate has to be opened and the alarm disarmed if it’s very late at night. 

If I am ready and willing to personally admit a business guest at any time of the day or night, how can I then be kicked off the programme?

Who do you think I can address this with? Airbnb support was not helpful,  I was told to just install myself as the 24hour doorman...but that’s not who I am and it’s misleading.

anyone got some ideas?

many TIA.

4 Replies 4
Level 5
Johannesburg, South Africa

Sorry PS

i have had numerous guests comment on how great my places are for work travel. 

@Cindy237 it isn't misleading to say you are a 24-hour doorman if you perform the duties of a 24-hour doorman. (Door-person?)


They just want to know that the guest can arrive any time of the day or night. If you are providing that, then you should not be shy about claiming the 24-hour doorman status.


I don't think you should claim that Airbnb support was not helpful when they are offering you a solution that works.

Level 5
Johannesburg, South Africa

Thanks Matthew

But on the boxes to select check-in method, directly beneath “self check in” is the “host meets you”option. So in order for this to work, I will have to do a lengthy prior explanation about my presence, which will amount to no self check in at all.

I may try to list it that way,  but Im quite worried that guests will end up complaining that it is not a proper self check in method.  

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Cindy237 Since you are confident that you are a great 'Work' listing, I might do what Airbnb and Matthew suggest, with the addition of adding this information to your listing description, as well as 'Other Notes'. Then, when people book, you can be honest and briefly explain that you offer an ideal work-friendly listing but there was no way to note the type of check-in service you offer other than to describe it in the listing description and 'other notes', yet you can indeed accommodate the work traveler with a flexible check-in. You can let them know that if your set-up does not work for them, they are free to cancel and no harm done. An extra step for you, but it would allow you to stay in the 'Work' category. 


I do something similar - I have 'kitchen' checked off, but I stress in my listing it is a kitchenette and I reiterate this when people book. I also emphasize that the Washer and Dryer are on my side of the property in my house, and they are free to use it (I have 'Washer' and 'Dryer' checked as well). Nobody has cancelled on me yet, and I have a written record that the guest was aware of, and agreed to, my set up. Just something to consider!