Bring back the trip day views!

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

Bring back the trip day views!

Do I undestand this new forum correctly, is this where our voice will be heard by Airbnb? 

If so, I'd like to tell them that we miss the stats feature where we could see what dates on our calendar have been looked at. It was a very handy tool for the hosts, so many of us would like to have it back!

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Beaufort, SC

Yes!!! Please bring that back! Is anyone listening???

Level 10
San Diego, CA

I started hosting after this feature had been taken down, but it sounds very useful.  If I could see that there were some dates that no one was looking at then I might lower the price.  Or if some dates seemed excessively popular I might raise the price - perhaps there is an event on here that I didn't know about.  For example - I doubled my price for Comic Con week got a booking!

The more stats you can provide us the better!!

Level 2
Texas, United States

Totally agree!!  We host in the middle of several large festivals throughout the year!!!!  Fiesta, Wurstfest etc!!!

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Level 9
Arroyo Grande, CA

Yes, this Stat View was the most helpful way for hosts to manage their listing. It graphed how many travelers were looking for particular dates, and of those travelers, how many are looking at our listing. Then the host would know two things: *if you don't have many views, try to figure out way - pricing to high, title/headline/picture not appealing, etc. *hosts could predict the busiest dates and plan their own vacations accordingly so as not to miss out on potential bookings.