Booked AirBnb, payment sent. Next day host cancels.

Level 2
Winnipeg, Canada

Booked AirBnb, payment sent. Next day host cancels.

So, as stated above the host cancelled the next day. 

Host: "Hi Jeremy, thank you for your interest in our place but unfortunately the pricing isn't set correctly. This listing was placed on 'snooze' last year and came off the setting without previous notice so this caught us off guard. 

We are very sorry,"



Me: So how much is it now?


Host: "It's around $295 per night plus cleaning fee and service fees."


Me: "You made a mistake, sure. However, I believe you should honour the price that was set, agreed upon and paid for. Your listing was up for weeks with no bookings. I will be contacting Airbnb regarding this dispute."


Host: "I am truly sorry Jeremy, the price per night during those dates is $1,000 CAD and I have contacted Airbnb regarding my mistake. Once again, I apologize."


So how does it go from $111/night(original) to $295 to $1000? Isn't this wrong? Is this a valid reason to cancel a reservation? My problem is how do i contact airbnb directly?



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

hello @Jeremy183 ,

It's not a fair play, but if the hosts cancels, the host is normally penalized by Airbnb (by keeping the dates blocked for a new reservation). But maybe the host sorted out something with Airbnb to get away with it. You can contact Aurbnb in several ways mentioned here (includes phone number also):

Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]

Best regards, Emiel

@Jeremy183 sorry this has happened.

I have no explanation as to why he mentioned two different nightly rates ($295 and $1000).

Maybe he meant the *total* for those nights would be $1000?


Often we criticize hosts who lure guests in with low rates, and then try to jack up the price.

This sounds a little bit more like they did just make a mistake. If this was one of those "lure and jack" hosts, they will usually lead off by offering you a reservation change with the higher price. It doesn't sound like the host did that.


That being said, it is the host's responsibility to keep their pricing calendar up to date. It is entirely their fault that you had to waste your time. (Hopefully you are not out any money....)

At least he cancelled quickly so you can seek other places to stay.

The worst hosts are the ones who cancel just before your trip, when there is no time to find a good place, or all the decent places are already taken.


You do have the right to be upset, and disappointed, though.



Level 2
Winnipeg, Canada

 I contacted Airbnb through twitter then continued in the app. They have informed me that the host will be fined and those dates that were cancelled will be blocked on their calendar. 


So, I’m upset because I got a good deal. Even more upset that the host would rather lose money by cancelling and getting the dates blocked than to receive the money for my booking. 


Anyway, Airbnb will be working with me to find another listing and then we’ll talk about price. 


thank you Emiel and Matthew for your concern and information you’ve given me. It is very much appreciated. I will update you guys on the outcome. 



@Jeremy183 thanks for taking the time to come back and provide an update!


It is possible the host was hoping to be able to cancel but still be allowed to book other guests into those dates. 

That does happen sometimes if a new host makes a mistake and cancels without realizing what it means.


Alternatively, the host might hope to book a guest using a different booking service. The dates are only blocked from being booked on AirBnB.


If anything, this should encourage this host to keep their calendar up to date.

Guests should be able to feel secure when they have a confirmed booking. Host cancellations should be extremely rare, like Bigfoot sightings or Chicago Cubs championships.