report an error

Level 2
Port Colborne, Canada

report an error

There is an error in the html code for the SuperHost badge. The quotes are missing around one of the links.


Also, is there  Business Travel badge available somewhere?  I qualify, but I don't see where I can get the badge.




9 Replies 9
Level 10
Templeton, CA

Not sure what you mean about the Super Host link. 

As I understand it, if you meet all the requiremnts, including response rate, etc. A Business Travel badge will be added to your listing.  Just like the Super Host badge. 

If I go to my account and select Badges, I see three badges available to add to my website:


1. A five star rating badge.

2. A 23 reviews badge

3. A Superhost badge.


There is no Business Traveller badge.

My place qualifies as  business traveller accommodations and I understood there would be a badge available for that, hence my question.




I tried to post the code and show the error and the correction but Airbnb won't allow posting any html in these messages.  Here's a screen shot instead:


Maybe this is clearer:



<div class="airbnb-embed-frame" data-id="22307041" data-view="superhost_button" data-city="Port Colborne" data-city-url="" style="margin:auto;height:85px;"><a href="">Superhost</a><div class="link-text-color">in <a href= target="airbnb" class="link-text-color">Port Colborne</a></div><script async src=""></script></div>



Notice in the line that starts with href the quotes are missing around the url.

Also, the reviews and ratings badges do not update automatically.

Hi Ted and Glenda,

Hi all,


I'm trying to implement my airbnb badges on my website but the html code seems not to work.

Actually, the code seems not to work in the "Preview" on the airbnb website too.

(Try to "click" on the badge in the preview and the link will redirect You on a wrong webpage)


On my side, at present:

Superhost code does not work.

Reviews counter code does not work.

Reviews code works.


Do You maybe have any suggestion or any useful information, please?

Any help would be very appreciated, thank You 🙂


On my calender my aprtment is listed at €60 but my guests are booking at€52 I am being shortchanged 8 euros per night

and I can not change it

Level 2
San Diego, CA

Did you ever get resolution on the null value presented in the Superhost badge?  I'm having the same problem.

Level 2
Port Colborne, Canada
