How to know the landlord is genuine?

Level 1
Birmingham, United Kingdom

How to know the landlord is genuine?

Hi folks


I have been contacted by a landlord who is claiming she is using Airbnb to make the payment, she is based in Spain and i am looking for a room in Berlin, she has said after paying the deposit (which goes to airbnb) an airbnb agent will come to the apartment to hand over the keys, i can also cancel the booking if i dont like the place and get full refund.


Is this geunie? and if so what information should she provide me before hand?




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @Bally0 I'm afraid it's a scam. There are no Airbnb agents.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



It's all bull and it's just a criminal asking you to wire them money.


Look for a place on a reputable website, do yourself a favour.