Hi Folks, Advise please.

Level 10
Hurstpierpoint, United Kingdom

Hi Folks, Advise please.

We have to close our listings between 1st January and 28th February each year to comply with our planning conditions, so I have blocked this period IAW the rules that I must comply with. No problem!!!!!!! However each year we go to a small island without internet or mobile phones which are reliable, therefore I need to consider the rules that AIRBNB apply to us hosts. Would it be appropriate for me to snooze our listings while we are on the island so not to fail the 24 hour response rule? Advise would be appreciated!

Regards Shaun

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Shaun69   A lot of hosts use the Snooze option for just this purpose. You can still get and send information to previously booked guests, but your listing is off limits to inquiries or booking during the time frame. It's a great tool. 

Level 10
Hurstpierpoint, United Kingdom

@Letti0 Thanks Letti, It sounds like that is the way ahead so to avoid the wrath of BNB.

Cheers Shaun

Level 2
St. John's, Canada

You can also assign a co-host, if you know someone trustworthy who could review/respond to requests for you during that period.