Accepting possibly dodgy guests on their first trip?

Level 2
Rhyl, United Kingdom

Accepting possibly dodgy guests on their first trip?

Fortunately I haven't accepted this booking yet but 7 guys want to stay and when I said about not coming home drunk they have said that they wanted to do a little partying... This is their first booking with Airbnb. Should I just refuse them? They could just be joking or do you have any other advice? Diana

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Important lesson: go with your gut feel. 


What does that tell you?

Level 2
Saint Augustine, FL

My adivce is to decide what type of guests you want and what kind of property you what to host and stick with that.


We like one or two mature acting couples looking for a relaxing getaway.  We are not a beach party house nor do we want to be that. We let any guest who could be looking for that know up front. We often give them recommendations to other homes better suiting thier needs.


We would definatly not accept a reservation from a bunch of guys looking to party becuase that's not who we are.  But I have friends who will take them in a minute.  And we get mostly five star reveiws and are alway booked as their are tons of our perfect guests out there looking for a place like ours. 

Yes, Thank you. I am trying to get more information from them. I don't want to be mean if they are only joking with me. But it is certainly not our type of guest. They say they are doctors so one assumes some kind of sensible behaviour. I have said that drunken behaviour is not tolerated. . .


Phew, They have cancelled now anyway.

Thanks for your help.
