A smart key box recommended to other hosts.

A smart key box recommended to other hosts.

Hey guys, 
I am an Airbnb host and I want to share a smart key box that I get from Kickstarter. I often travel out of the town for work, it’s inconvenient to open the door for my guests. Sometimes I just leave the key under the map, but I can’t stop thinking of the security issue. The Populife smart key box solved my long-time remote access problem. 
• Large Range of Application: I find Populife smart key box is suitable for home and office, rental property management, Airbnb short-term rental host. 
• Access Flexibility:  Now I don’t worry about that my door is forgotten to lock again while I leave home. I can open with access PIN code and Bluetooth key.
• Affordable Price: Compare to other smart key boxes that worth several hundred dollars, it is very affordable. Only costs $49
• Support Amazon Alexa: Support ECHO Alexa voice assistant to manage access rights. Control access from anywhere through the free APP
• Long Service Life: the smart key box is IP65 waterproof and 1-year battery time.
You can find the product in the link below if you are interested
2 Replies 2
Level 10
Albany, Australia

@OtoPriscilla0, its curious that you talk about your guests when you don't seem to have a profile, so I assume you are simply promoting this product (which is fine, but it's nice to be transparent). Anyway, I just had a look at this product - it looks like it could be handy. But just to give other hosts the heads up, this is a Kickstarter project and won't be ready to go for another month. The super early bird price of US$49 mentioned above is no longer available - the early bird price is now US$59 (for which there are only 16 left before it goes up to $69 which I assume is the final price). Also, this is a smart lock for keys, not for the door, so it would still rely on guests remembering to put the keys back before they leave and not getting copies made etc. So, a cool, affordable device for key lock up, but doesn't work as a smart lock for a door.

well, I do think the smart key box is a good, affordable product instead of the expensive smart lock fr the door. You can make your keys aren't able to be duplicated.