listing not in search results

Level 2
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

listing not in search results

how do I get my listing to come up in search results?  There is only 1 Shamiana in Puerto Vallarta - but the search finds TONS of other properties and locations but doesn't return MY Listing!!!

How do I fix this in AirBnB ??

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

@Shamiana-Kate0  ,

Your listing is in the search system:

There are a lot of listings in your area, it gives first 300 first.

When searching zoom in on the map towards your neighbourhood and the listing shows up.

Or use filters.

Best regards,


just frustrating that all that is ahead of my listing when searching by NAME.  Lack of prioritization 😞 

Thanks 🙂 Appreciate the response! 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Airbnb does not use a name as a search keyword. Google does a better job, try search in Google on "Shamiana Puerto Vallarta airbnb" and Casa Shamiana  appears on top of the search results !


Best regards,
