Sylmar fire evacuees ...druggies

Level 3
Altadena, CA

Sylmar fire evacuees ...druggies

Hi. I offered to host evacuees from the Sylmar fire and was sent a couple who claimed to be evacuated. They are actually from Pomona 45 miles away from any fire,  druggies and homeless but not because of fire. Airbnb will not tell me how they vett these folks and now I have tweakers living in my space leaving the gate open and running a/c and lights full tilt while not even there.!!!!!Airbnb has been ZERO help. I have called and texted and lots of blah blah but no help. Do I have to call the cops to get these scammers out???!!! WTF???!!! Not happy with customer service. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Kudos to you for being willing to help evacuees, @Linda324 .  So once you allow people to stay under the host willingness to help, you cannot tell Air BNB you no longer want to participate?  Like any guest, you can decide you no longer want them to stay.  right?