Superhost Stats

Level 1
United States

Superhost Stats

Hello! I am in the process of regaining my Superhost status. I used to help manage other people's properties in the past and I list them under my account. After that it doesn't work out, we end the agreement and after all reservations are completed, I deactivate the listing on my account. Per message when I deactivate, I am meant to lose all reviews made for those listings which is beneficial for me as they didn't really have good reviews. 


Now that I am checking my Superhost stats, I see that I only have a 4.7 overall rating and I did some calculations to figure out how much more 5 star reviews I need to get back to a 4.8 rating and as I have calculated all the ratings on all the listings on my account both listed & one that's unlisted, my overall rating from October 2021 is supposedly 4.81

Is there any reason why the calculations are incorrect or am I missing to take something into consideration? 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Eduard1769


As @Huma0 mentioned, this is something a few others experienced recently and we have raised your concerns with the team. We've shared an update in the above discussion this morning :


After some investigation, we can confirm this issue is only impacting a very small number of Hosts. We’re pleased to say the fix will be released by September 16th, at which time you’ll see corrected data in your dashboard, and this issue will not impact any Superhost assessments on October 1.


I hope this helps!





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