Search Results Position

Level 1
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Search Results Position

I wonder why my list is not appear in the search result!? I have to filter price and room type and zoom in in the map more than 4 times to find my place!?!! That`s why I didn`t have any guest during these 2 monthes! I wonder why?! I have my list updated during these less than 2 years that I am host and had more than 27 guest that only 27 of them gave a top review for me. I beleive this is not fair that my list in not appear in the search result. 

I studied other similar cases but there is no solution.

I`m also annoied by the way of airbnb help system! it takes too much time to find a way to ask your question or send your enquiry.

I appreciate if someone can help me and others for this case.


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Shervan0, you do show. I searched just now, and I had to apply every filter I could find to get you as the amount of KL listings are incredible. First I thought you were very cheap, but then I saw that the rest of the listings were also very cheap. The answer is that yes, you show, offering free parking, gym, aircon, on and on for AUD 18. But you are very far down the list. Nothing wrong with the system here sorry, no easy fix for you. Just too many listings. 😞

There should be a logic system behind the search engine in airbnb. We as a good host that our reviews show it should have previllage in search engine to be in the first pages.

Moreover this "instant booking" is not acceptable for hosts who share their home with renter. How I can trust whoever book my room instantly and then for cancelation I should pay penallty.