Reviewer profile is not clickable

Level 1
New York, NY

Reviewer profile is not clickable

I have a request from a guests that has 1 review, but the reviewer icon is not clickable on desktop so I can't see the profile of the person that posted the review. On the mobile app it lets me click on the reviewer, which says "4 reviews" and when I click view reviews, it says "0 reviews available". Any clues? Could it be that this reviewer has turned off their Airbnb profile? Or that these reviews are actually fake/made up? Thanks!

1 Reply 1

I'm not really sure why there would be a discrepancy like that. I've never had it happen to me. You might try this App, but I think it only works in Chrome browsers:


After installing the app, open the person's profile page and it will access the person's reviews as well as what they wrote about their hosts. It might be able to pull up something that you are not able to see right now for some reason.