Malfunctioning Autocomplete

Level 1
Providence, RI

Malfunctioning Autocomplete

Intrusive autovcomplete bars access to the full database.

I am attempting to search eperiences that contain the word "recording" and autocomplete populates the search with the particular details of a single location. I have tried everything.... adding lots of spaces to make the strings differ, placing the word in quotes. etc etc etc. No matter what, I am only ever allowed to browse (an) experience(s) for a specific studio in Los Angeles and nowhere else. And in no case can I obtain a search with empty results. Seems like a logic flaw. Any workaround (or fix)

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can choose "experiences" and then search only with keyword "recording" (no autocomplete). Then there is one result: indeed the one in Los Angeles. It seems there is only one such experience !

Try for example "food" and you will find a lot.

best regards