Inquiry with 0 guest?

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Inquiry with 0 guest?



Has anyone seen this?







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4 Replies 4
Level 10
Mississauga, Canada

That's funny. I have never seen that as the default for number of guests is one but the guest might have hit the zero by accident. Just message the guest and confirm the correct number of guests & change it to the correct number before you approve the reservation.

Is there a "0" option?


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Level 10
Orono, ME

@Ricardo85 @Andrea-and-Francis0 

If this is real ... and not a glitch .... I think this is a really good thing!


If the guest count is defaulting to zero then hosts will know that the guest obviously skipped over the question. The host will now raise questions with the guest as to how many people are coming and expect an answer to complete the reservation.


Before, when the guest count defaulted to one, you never really knew if the count was truly one or if the guest didn't update the field. More times than not, this is the case.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



I think it is a glitch. There is no "0 guest" option.



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