Guests get our reviews, if they review us.

Level 1
Maspalomas, Spain

Guests get our reviews, if they review us.

I would like Airbnb to consider a reciprocal review stance to their system. As hosts we are expected to write reviews for our guests, but some guests make no effort at all to review us.

I understand that their holiday has ended, but for hosts it’s crucial for us to get good points and reviews help our future bookings, a win win situation for hosts AND Airbnb financially.
So wouldn’t it up the game if our reviews only get published on the guests profiles, if they actually write us hosts a review? I think it should work both ways. What does everyone else think?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



Terrible guest from hades arrives but doesn't leave you a review.

Your scathing but beautifully crafted review to warn other hosts...doesn't get published under your idea.?


I get the jist of what you are saying but you can only push so much to get people to write reviews.

When you get to a certain level or number of reviews, it's hardly critical anyway.

Airbnb's 12 step guest review procedure doesn't help matters much either.

Level 1
Maspalomas, Spain

I had not thought about that, but fortunately I have not had any real nightmare guests. 

So maybe we get the option to delete, that would be cool 🙂

Level 10
Orono, ME

I actually was under the impression that it is the opposite…. Many guests leave reviews but there are plenty of hosts who cannot be bothered; especially if they are an offsite host or management company who have little to no interaction with the guest. I also think that if a guest doesn’t want to review me than I don’t want their review since it may not be what I am expecting.