Guests being charged wrong for extra guests...

Level 3
San Diego, CA

Guests being charged wrong for extra guests...

I have an additional $10/night charge for each additional guest above 2, but the amount being charged to my guests is much higher than this...  and it kicks in at 2 guests instead of 3.  For instance, I just received a booking for 1 person for 2 nights.  I don't know the guest's total, but my take was about $300 including the cleaning fee.  When they said they were bringing 2 people, and I went to change the reservation, it was going to charge them an additional $57.  This can't be a tax nor a fee, because that's the additional money the reservation was going to pay *me*.  My additional guest charge shouldn't apply at all -- it doesn't kick in until 3 guests or more.
Why might this be happening?

How do I fix it?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Changing a reservation is not allways free of errors. In your case you just want to add the right amount of people and there should not be an extra charge (as there are no more then 3 persons). So in the change form you can replace the new calculated price back to the original price.

Best regards,


Oh, I'm well aware of this work-around.  Obviously you can change the amount when you change the reservation, just like you can send a special offer in any amount you like. But only the host can do that.

What I don't know is whether this is happening when guests go to book in the first place.  And this is hardly the first time I've seen this happen.  As a matter of fact, it happens every time now.  Whenever I've gone to change the number of guests from 1 to 2, there is always an extra charge.  Again, funds sent to me, not taxes or fees.  This is problematic for me and frustrating for guests because they'll be charged improperly if they go back and correct the number of guests themselves.