"It is not possible to book this property. Please contact Airbnb support."

Level 2
Bangkok, Thailand

"It is not possible to book this property. Please contact Airbnb support."

Two previous customers of mine said they can not book. They checked with airbnb and they were told there is a problem with the hosts account.  I set up a test account on airbnb to try and book my listings. I get the following error, "oops, we're unable to complete this booking. It is not possible to book this property. Please contact airbnb support". How Do I fix this?

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jiranan0 Well, there is obviously a problem with your account and I doubt it's anything you can fix yourself, since you have no idea what the problem is. So you'll have to contact Airbnb customer support to find out what's going on. 

Sarah, Interestingly I contacted support 2 days ago. They told me nothing was wrong. I then set up a test account to try for myself and thats when I got the error. I contacted support again via Twitter and the chat and they told me someone was working on it. When I asked to speak with "someone", the line has been quiet. I see a number of other posts on this topic. Do you have any insights? Regards Jiranan

@Jiranan0 No, sorry, no insights. Never had the problem you're experiencing. Support can be frustrating to deal with. Patience and persistence. 

Level 2
Bangkok, Thailand

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Level 2
Bangkok, Thailand

Still having the error at the confirm and pay stage. I've raised this error for more than a week now with support and still no one is able to fix this. 


Level 10
Sarasota, FL


This happened to me once, and it's not good news. A guest (who didn't even have an Airbnb booking with me lol) complained with such ferocity that a case manager locked my account! I got no notice except for one unexceptionable email from the case manager who did it, and had no idea for days until guests messaged me. When I called into Airbnb, literally no-one except the case manager who did it could undo it, and she was not in for another three days! I was unlisted for over a week! Dig through your Airbnb emails, find it, respond asap.


Also, when you confirm this is the case, I highly recommend you file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. The fact that they can't even bother to call you while you sit there with your property empty expecting reservations that never happen is Airbnb playing fast and lpose with your property as usual.

A case manager messaged me today saying that there was a problem with my co-host's account. I remove the co-host from the account and the account is now working. Not sure what the problem was, but we are now able to take bookings for high season 🙂