"Blocked by a linked Listing"

"Blocked by a linked Listing"

Hi guys, 


I have a guest who is messaged us about one of our rooms, its open like no person is staying in there, but ABNB has it "blocked by a linked listing" on a few dates which makes no sense. We didnt block them and no one else has requested the dates that are blocked. Any idea why it is doing this? or how we can unblock it? 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

hello @Cedar-and-Fir0,

probably there is a synchronisation error with your second listing (linked to it)

@Cedar-and-Fir0 do you have the calendars of the 2 listings linked in any way?

You should see if the settings have been changed accidentally.


Level 3
New York, NY

@Cedar-and-Fir0Hi, were you able to find out what this issue is,  I am having this same issue.  the calendars are not linked and we dont have any guests on that listing and I noticed it blocked for a week and as I scroll to other months its has it blocked again.  Its a little frustrating

Hi Allan! I needed up having to call AirBnB support and they unlinked the calendars. So I guess maybe see if you can unlink them, if not, give them a call! They were super quick about fixing it!