publish listing

publish listing

Hello Everyone, after long construction and design process finally my new space are ready to welcome quests, nevertheless i completed all details when i press publish now button something goes wrong and i can not publish my new listing, its been 5 days and i couldnt recieve any reply from help center also no answer to phone call. Please can someone let me know what should i do?

11 Replies 11

@Polat0 it is difficult to provide help without knowing what you mean by "something goes wrong."

What message is displayed when you try to publish? What exactly do you see?


Also, how are you trying to reach the "help center"?

And are you saying that you call on the phone and no one answers?


Hi @Matthew285 thank you for reply, 0A4C5B78-E52D-417F-8E63-F73F087C83A6.jpeg


@Polat0 thank you for sending that.

If you have been working on the listing for a long time, and leaving the window open the whole time, it might cause problems like this.


What you can try is to log out of Airbnb, quit out of your browser, (maybe even restart your computer).

Then launch the browser again and log back into Airbnb. Your listing will still be there, in the partially completed state. Try again to Publish it then.


This is what is says @Matthew285 i have tried several times, closed and reopened browser etc. still same, and about phonecall yes i called help center and no kne answered, maybe because of different timezone if help centre is not open 24 hourse a day. And i couldn recieved reply to msgs about this, finally i saw some other people has this kind of issues and i wrote here.

@Polat0 to contact Airbnb:

Be in "Host" mode. Go to your Help Page.
On your Help page, near the bottom right is a "Contact us" button.
Or you can use this link:

Once you are on the "Contact us" page, choose "Its something else"

This will give you the choice to either exchange messages with AirBnB or to speak to someone on the phone.
(Using the "Contact us" by phone gives you the option to have them call you, so you don't have to wait on hold.)

If you don't mind waiting on the phone, you can try the best number for you here:

United States (USA): +1-415-800-5959 (local SF number) or +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)

Argentina: +54 11 53 52 78 88

Australia: +61 2 8520 3333

Austria / Österreich: +43 72 08 83 800

Brazil / Brasil: +55 21 3958-5800

Canada: +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)

Chile: +56 229380777

China / Zhongguo - 中國 / 中国: +86-40-0120-9157 or 400-716-0164 (shared-cost)

Denmark / Danmark: +45 89 88 20 00

France: +33 1 84 88 40 00

Germany / Deutschland: +49 30 30 80 83 80

Greece / ελλάδα: +30 211 1989888

Hong Kong / Xianggang - 香港: +852 5808 8888

India / इंडिया: 000 800 4405 103 (toll-free)

Ireland: +353 1 697 1831

Israel / Yisrael: +972 3 939 9977

Italy / Italia: +39 06 99366533

Japan / Nippon - 日本: +81 3 4580 0999 or +81 800 100 1008 (toll-free)

Kenya: +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)

Malaysia: +603 7724 0164 or 1800 889 814 (toll-free)

Mexico / Méjico: +52 55 41 70 43 33

Netherlands / Nederland: +31 20 52 22 333

New Zealand / Aotearoa: +64 4 4880 888

Norway / Norge: +47 21 61 16 88

Peru: +51 1 7089777

Poland / Polska: +48 22 30 72 000

Portugal: +351 30 880 3888

Puerto Rico: +1 787 945-0222

Russia / Rossiya - Россия: +7 4954658090 or 88003017104 (toll-free)

Singapore / 新加坡: +65 6622 7306 or 1800 723 1238 (toll-free)

South Africa: +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)

South Korea / Hanguk - 한국: +82 2 6022 2499 or +82 808 220 230 (toll-free)

Spain / España: +34 91 123 45 67

Sweden / Sverige: +46 844 68 12 34

Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse: +41 43 50 84 900

Taiwan +886 2 7743 2436 or 0800 868 313 (toll-free)

United Kingdom: +44 203 318 1111


@Matthew285 Thank you very much for tips, however i already did absolutely same with what you say,  i even started to create my listing again from the beginnin and i completed in a short time, so still same. And for the help, yes that was what did i do, message and phonecall, i have tried all before i wrote here in community centre.

@Polat0 I noticed you have another listing that was published successfully.

In your new listng, it might be possible that you have a special character in the text of your description that is causing some sort of problem, or some unusual formatting.

Try leaving most of the description blank, or with very simple placeholders, and publish the listing. Then, try to add the text one section at a time, being sure to save it between each edit.
That might tell you what text might be causing the problem.


This may be helpful @Matthew285 thank you so much, i ll try this and let you know..

Desperately no.. restarted computer opened new browser, created completely new listing from the beginning and didnt write description with any special character, completed it in a short time, so, problem is same @Matthew285 seems like there is nothing wrong from my side as long as you see i have another published listing so i already did it before. İs that cause Airbnb may be undergoing meintenance? 

@Polat0 I suppose it is possible they are undergoing maintenance, but I thought you said you had been trying for 5 days now.


You might try an entirely different browser application, or a different computer (if you have another available).

It might be a problem with your Airbnb account also.


Maybe try to describe what you have been trying to Airbnb support? They have always responded to messages whenever I have contacted them. Or you can request a phone call back. Or try one of the support numbers that are near you.


Also, do you have any issues with your internet connection? A firewall? Anything changed on your network?

no i dont have issue with internet connection and after your last message i tried to publis it by using  another computer, so i tried everyting you told me up to know and  i think there is nothing more that you can suggest) thank you for your assistance, i sent another message to help centre. I hope to get reply..