my lodger is subletting!

Level 1
Antibes, France

my lodger is subletting!

I discovered that my airbnb renter has left and sublet the apartment to 2 kids who have damaged the property! Can i kick them out?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Jerry10, of course you can. I suggest flagging the original guest's profile immediately, and alerting AirBnB to his behaviour. 



Contact AirBnB as well and explain the situation. They will officially remove the current guests.


It's a pity there's no Security Deposit in place, as you might have been able to claim against it for damages. 


You could try claiming for damages via the Resolution Centre. (Check the Community Guide list at the top of this page.) I may be wrong, but I think in this case the original guest - as the person who made the initial booking - is responsible for the sub-letters' damages, so you likely won't make much headway. 


But someone else on the forum might be more knowledgeable in this regard.


For the future, I'd suggest requesting a Security Deposit and beefing up your House Rules so that they're clear and comprehensive, and firmly state 'no sub-letting'. 

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Jerry10 You bet you can kick them all out!  The 2 kids have no authorization from you to be in the house and the guest has violated Airbnb's Terms of Service since you did not authorize the subletting.   

Yes, as @Donna15 said, contact Airbnb.  They can't do much more than cancelling the reservation and his account and telling him to leave as they can't physically remove him and the kids.  You'd have to call the police for that.

So sorry to hear this happened! Please give us an update on how it all is resolved!