contacting Airbnb directly

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

contacting Airbnb directly

1 month of not being able to scroll down the PRICING page.


I'm in Spain but only a US contact number is provided 18554247262


My phone number is Spain is not recognised by the automated system so I cannot speak to anyone!



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Cleona,  there is an Airbnb contact number for Spain and that number is España: +34 91 123 45 67.

Perhaps you should try calling that number and you may have more success. 


Thank you, I'll try it.

Where did you get it from as it does not appear on my HELP page?

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi again Cleona. This is the link to that number and lots of other very useful contact information. It was put together by another forum contributor who spent a lot of time compiling this and deserves far more recognition that he actually got for his time and effort.

I do hope this can be of use to you Cleona....good luck!
