changing the discount rate

Level 1
Preston, ID

changing the discount rate

My guest just informed me that he has six not 6 not 4 guest how do I change his rate?

2 Replies 2

@Chris795, you can send a Change Request!

  1. Go to your Host Dashboard and press the "View all reservations" button.
  2. Find the Reservation you want to change and press the "Change or Cancel" link for that Reservation.
  3. You will be presented with the choice to "Change reservation" or "Cancel reservation".
  4. Choose "Change reservation"
  5. On the next page, titled "What do you want to change?" you can change the Dates, # of Guests, and Price of the reservation.
  6. When you have made your changes, press the "Continue" button.
  7. The Change Request will be sent to the Guest for confirmation.
  8. If the Guest confirms the change, then the Reservation will be changed to the new information.


Level 2
Trumansburg, NY

You have to click on “ special offer”


then adjust the rate accordingly!



if guests have already arrived 

then you can follow up

on Air bnb


requesting more $!


on occasion

 ( not usually but I have 

on occasion I have either directly approached a guest or left a note/w envelop and statement w remaining balance owed!)


a “ thank you” for staying w us!


good luck