an idea for Airbnb

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

an idea for Airbnb

It seems to me as if a lot of new hosts have not read the various Air policies judging by the same help questions being asked repeatedly in the forum. Most common is the calendar being blocked and other penalties for cancelling. This makes me think that hosts are being given the keys to a highly sophisticated car without a licence to drive it. Here's my idea:

Just as you are ready to make the listing live, Air can ask a couple of questions of the nature they see as most important, and if you tick the correct answer your listing goes live. Otherwise you have to get the questions right first.

As an example:

If I cancel a booking, will:

1. Nothing happen

2. My calendar will become permanently blocked and there may be financial and ranking penalties involved


Instant Booking means

1. Guests may book your accommodation without prior conversation

2. Guests can book but I can cancel if I am waiting for a better stay or I don't like the guest


or whatever Air sees as the most important/common misunderstandings.


It is a while since I joined and I don't know how the site guides new hosts but I know for sure many have no idea of what kind of vehicle they are given the keys to. Just a thought!

12 Replies 12
Level 10
Bend, OR

Does AirBnB read these groups for suggestions?  My guess is that they do not.  I think you have to actually contact them directly.



Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Hi @Mike77, I am sure they are trawled through by the moderators. They rarely involve themselves, only if something totally inapproproate pops up (such as abuse, have seen that happen once). I have also known them to jump on and fix a guest in strife who was only asking the community for urgent help. More recently, I have had a direct message regarding a discussion about compulsory IB saying that the thoughts of the community has been put to Air. So I say yes, they do read it!

Personally I would only contact Air directly if I had a urgent, dangerous, difficult or financial issue. They can read ideas at their leisure if they like. I did contact them once regarding a technical glitch with site, which they were very responsive about once we worked out what was happening.


And I looked at your fabulous treehouse, love the suspended bed, the creek... Cockadoodle doo!

Chuckle.  🙂 



What is the secret to looking up other hosts that might be posting in the forum?  I can search for your town but multiple listings come up... 



Oh, I think I found you... I plugged in your name also in the search... that helped.  🙂 



Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Mike77, if you want to see someone's listing in the forum which is helpful if they are asking questions relating to their listing, go right click on the host pic, select view profile. Then you should see their listing/s.

Right clicking on the pic brings up a requester but it is the Safari requester and it does not have the option to view the profile.Requester.jpg



I will check with Chrome and see if it does the same thing.



Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Mike77, Ah. That is no good! I am on a pc using firefox mostly. Love seeing other host's accommodations! Learning geography at the same time, and checking out interior design ideas from Montenegro, Guatemala, Oregon, Greenland, anywhere!

Oh yes, I like looking at other treehouses... wonder why?  Chuckle.



Chrome brings up two requesters... one being the right one.  🙂  





Web site construction is not an exact science yet.  🙂  



Very nice place you have for rent... I like the shot through the glass of the reflected trees into the seating area... makes for an interesting shot.


You guys have put a ton of work into your place... looks very charming.  Good job.  🙂 



In my Firefox the Airbnb request box come up but nothing happens if I click on any of the choices.