Unexpected Bad Review

Level 1
Portland, OR

Unexpected Bad Review

Hi Everyone,


We've just started hosting, and have received our first review (from our second guest). She gave us a 3 out of 5, which is pretty bad, but when I read all her comments they seem to be very positive and complimentary, except for commenting that the bus stop was a little far away (it's 5 houses from us and they had a rental car), that the bed was too soft, and that she would have liked a refrigerator in the room (we make it clear that we don't have one right now).


I actually even brought her ice packs every morning and evening ffor her probiotics for the entire 6 days, and gave lots of recommendations of things to do.

The bottom line is that her star rating seems far off from her written review, and yet it affects our listing and is posted for potential guests to see. 


What can you do about a genuinely undeserved bad review?


Any advice please? 





4 Replies 4
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Siobhan10 Ah, there's always one that leaves a lukewarm review.  When I first started I winced at a couple of them.  It's always painful to get anything less than stellar reviews considering how much work goes into preparing a place.  

After I got my emotions under control (took a few days) I realized that the problem was that I wasn't meeting expectations and decided make improvements as my budget would allow.  I'm still making improvements after 18 months of hosting!

Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about this review other than respond to it, but I caution that defensive responses make the host look worse than the original review.  

Here's a helpful link to Airbnb's review guidelines: 



I'm sure this review will get buried under great ones and it will be history soon. 

Good luck!






Level 10
Como, CO

I think the problem is that many people do not realise that for AirBnb the default is 5 stars.

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Hi @Siobhan10 I agree with @David126. Guests do not understand that they are doing the guest a diservice by rating them lower than 5 stars. On yelp a 4 star review is pretty **bleep** good. On Airbnb it is 5stars or bust. Like @Clare0 said. Even the very best hosts get bad reviews, often for reasons entirely out of their control. Your review will get buried soon enough. Good luck.


Thanks everyone! It's encouraging to read your comments. 

I think I'll be sure to gently let clients know how the rating sytem works (I wasn't even aware of the "5 or bust" thing until today!), as well as make sure that I'm really clear about what we offer. 

I've also decided to add a little kitchen station with a small fridge, microwave and coffee maker. 

Your feedback is really appreciated!