Suspicious airbnb guest

Level 2
San Ramon, CA

Suspicious airbnb guest

I got a suspicous request from someone with an African sounding name who was "flying" in to my town.

My town doesn't have an aiport.  Also, he mis-spelled the "company" he was working for, and there was no

info on him at all.  Although Airbnb said he was verified.

Not sure what harm someone like that can do, but curious to know if anyone else has run in to this sort of


6 Replies 6
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

I think you should go with your gut feeling and decline this request.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Always go with your gut feeling - no matter what their reviews are like. If it feels wrong for any reason then you wont be comfortable with that person in your home.

Hello @Sue18,


It's possible that the guest doesn't speak English fluently and so might have used the word "flying" wrongly using it as a synonym for traveling. Maybe he's flying to a near by town that has an airport and then visitng your town.


It is also possible that he might have mis-spelled the company name if he was using Airbnb on Mobile and typos are not uncommon while using mobile keyboards.


Lastly, regarding missing info, I have had requests from hosts with hardly and info and in such situations, I try to politely write back to them to know more about them. You could try having that conversation before directly rejecting his request due to the factors you mentioned. 


After that, if you are still unsure, you are always free to reject.


Hope that helps!



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Sue18,


Thanks so much for starting this discussion. What did you decide to do in the end?


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Thank you all for your comments and input.

In the end I simply declined the guest.  I have been fortunate with my guests for the most part, but there was really something 

not right with this one.


Level 1
San Francisco, CA

I have received strange requests like this as well. Did he ask

for your address?