
Level 2
Hazelwood North, Australia


Hi There...

My first time using airbnb community so bare with me pls!! Ha! We have had some not so great guests and i understand that even if they dont leave a review we still can and its published regardless...however my question is...Can they then come back and respond after the 14 day window and leave a negative review in return?? More of a retaliation?? 

Cheers Jo 

5 Replies 5
Level 3
Boston, MA

If you leave a review after you had message them about how bad they were. Most likely they will know you are planning a bad review on them. So they will likely give you a bad review back. As long as it is in the 14th day period. If you for example leave a negative review on day 14th and they try to reply on the 15th, they won’t be able to. So I suggest you leave them a bad review on day 14th or so. So they have less time to think about a retaliation review. 

Level 2
Hazelwood North, Australia

Yeah ok thank you...overall we have had a pretty good run...but at least now i know that i can leave a negative review if needed and not have it backfire on us. Unfortunately some people dont like the truth out there!! 

Cheers Jo 

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I want to make sure you understand how the review system works, @Scott306.  If your guest does not post a review within the 14 day period, the guest will not be able to post a review on your listing.  If the guest writes a review then it will be public either when you post your review or after 14 days.  What both the host and the guest can do, is write a response to a public review.  This response will show up on the profile of the guest or host and the audience for the response is either potential hosts for the guest or potential guests for the host.


If you have notified a guest about damage and made a claim prior to the guest review posting, it is possible the guest will write a negative review.  If it is clearly retaliatory in content, that is against Air BNB content and the review may be pulled by Air BNB.  Hope this helps.

Level 2
Hazelwood North, Australia

Ok so if they in fact retaliate badly it is then possible for review to be removed? This is all good to know...we havent had damage done as such...just clearly breaking of the house rules ie...pets inside, smoking etc. And some that have left the house really messy etc. 

Thanks for your help


@Scott306, reviews are only removed for very specific reasons. (And being especially negative is not one of them.)


The reasons for review removals currently are:

  • Reviews:
    • Reviews that do not represent the author’s personal experience or that of their travel companions
    • Reviews incentivized by a promise for payment, additional services, or a discounted rate
    • Reviews motivated by a threat of extortion (review our Extortion Policy)

You can find this information on AirBnB's content policy help page: