Price in map different from actual offer

Level 1
Rīga, Latvia

Price in map different from actual offer

I have switched off smart pricing - set base price 40 EUR, but when I open up map than what I see is that my offer in map has random number - nothing to do with my set base price. When I open my offer from map - it has correct price. The price in map is higher than my actual offer so I am loosing potention customers.


Does anyone else has expierienced this bug?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Jurgis0 did you put specific dates and have a custom price for those dates?

I would not know how to do that. I have simply switched off Smart pricing and have a base price - I guess for all dates.

Level 2
Inverness, United Kingdom

Did you ever get to the bottom of this?

I have exactly the same problem - the map shows a significantly higher price than the listing, which is correct.

Thanks, Anne, Inverness