No inquires

No inquires

Can anyone help?  

I have been hosting for over 3 years - not just using Airbnb of course - however I haven't received any inquires from here for months!

any thoughts?



1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Clifford4, it's certainly a slow time of year for me here in London, but not to have any enquiries for months is a bit strange, especially as you have nice photos.


Have you checked using someone else's computer that your listing is showing up in search results and that the location on the map is correct?


Have you checked that dates in your calendar is not accidentally blocked?


If there aren't any technical issues, I would check your prices against similar listings in your area to ensure you are still competitive. Perhaps a lot of new hosts have started in your area.


The cleaning fee can put some guests off. Also, you have a strict cancellation policy. Perhaps you might consider changing it to moderate if you feel that would be okay for you.