My listing is not coming up in searches....?

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

My listing is not coming up in searches....?

Hey all,


Please help. I went dormant on my listing for a while and have since collected a bad response rating... 


I'd like to get back to hosting but my listing doesn't seem to be showing up at all. I understand that because of the bad rating my listing would be pushed down the queue, but I would at least like for it to be viewable. Does anyone know how I could reactive it (if that is the case)? It is showing as being active/listed in the settings...


Any help would be most welcome.




3 Replies 3
Level 1
Belgrade, Serbia

Mine too! And that is happening just because I did not respond on only one request

What we can do about that?

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

I've tried many options, but can't seem to get it to work. Can you contact Airbnb directly? 


I'll let you know if I find out anything.


Can anyone help Larisa and I? 

It was so hard do find you again. I do it successfully. You have to unlisted yours place. You will see..there is a few it for one day..and tomorrow you have to listed again. Let me know if you did it.