My airbnb temporary email address does not work and frustrates guests who try to use it

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

My airbnb temporary email address does not work and frustrates guests who try to use it

Hello, I would love some help here. I have checked and airbnb have my correct email address and regularly send me newsletters etc using this address. However I have never received any emails from guests when they think they are emailing me from the airbnb website and two guests have recently become frustrated - I had a very terse text message yesterday saying 'please reply to my email' which of course I had not received. I have had a look at the airbnb help section and checked the settings. I have ticked that I want all notifications, messages etc and still I don't get their emails. Is there any way I can get the airbnb email working or make sure that guests do not see any option to send me an email?

Many thanks, Sally 

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