Multiple check-in days

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Multiple check-in days

I allow check-in's on a Friday or Monday, however within the availability settings you can only set a single check in day for a custom period. If you try creating another custom period for the same dates but with a different check-in day i recieve "You've already set requirements for 3 Jan 2017 – 13 Jul 2017. Go back and select the requirement to update it.".


Does anyone have a clue if this is possible, or can someone help provide the airbnb helpline number so i can ring them. It seems like such a common requirement that i'm surely doing something wrong.


Kind regards, 



6 Replies 6

Typically Airbnb doesn't allow for multiple "rules" of the same kind for a specific period of time.  And I believe that this specificity on when check ins can occur is really not common.  Many of us take people any day of the week.  

Thank you for the reply Alice & Jeff

Level 1
Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand

Hi. We are much the same in that we don't necessarily want to have check in on a Saturday but are happy for people to check in before and stay through so don't really want to block Saturday's out. Any help please?


Level 10
Bergen, Norway


I do not think you are doing anything wrong.  The calendar settings are not super flexible - you would have to work the settings the way they are to your best advantage.  That may mean many settings and quite a bit of work.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Lea38


The BNB phone number for the UK is listed ,along with all the other ways to contact BNB, in the 1st post of  the forum you are posting in.

Level 2
Piedmont, CA

I'm in exactly the same boat as you, wanting a Friday and Monday check in day. ive just moved over from Wynham properties (cottages4you etc) and this was a common set up. i too would be happy to have a solution to this and cannot implement īnstant booking until tnis is resolved.